DW Handbook

This page shows the name of the construct, its description

Attribute Value
Name Union
Description None
Function None
Aim Allow a data engineer (user) to combine two datasets vertically using column-wise merge by appending the contents of the column(s) in the second relation to the column(s) at the same index in the base (first) relation to perform the required analysis and data preparation on a single dataset instead of performing the same on multiple datasets
Context This operation is used when a user requires combining multiple input dataset vertically as required for the analysis for which the combined datasets are to serve as input.
Rationale combining datasets required for subsequent operations or end-goal analysis would reduce the repetition of duplicate operations and may increases the accuracy of analysis the dataset is being prepared for.
Mechanisim merge datasets vertically to reduce duplicate processing of datasets. This can be done by exploring the facilities found in GUI-based tools and programming language functions.
Formalisim A(R1,R2) = {(a1,...,an) | (a1,...,an) ∈ R1 ^ (b1,...,bm) ∈ R2}, where R1 is a relation with n columns and R2 is a relation with m columns and m <= n
Relational Algebra (RA) Similar to RA operation Union (U)
Type Atomic
Class N-Ary
Transformation_category M:1
InputsNumber of input datasets
Input dataset to mergeM
OutputsNumber of output datasets
combined datasets1
Used in stage(s) Integration
