DW Handbook

This page shows the name of the construct, its description

Attribute Value
Name Rename Column
Description None
Function None
Aim Allow a data engineer (user) to assign a new name to a column in the dataset
Context This is used when a user requires a new name to be assigned to a column either to use it in the integration of datasets or to provide meaningful names to aid the analysis for which the dataset is to serve as input.
Rationale a dataset with self-describing column names can reduce the time to insight in the analysis the data is being prepared for
Mechanisim Provide meaningful names to existing columns in the dataset. This can be done by exploring the facilities found in GUI-based tools and programming language functions.
Formalisim r(R,i, x)={(a1,...,an) | (a1,...,an) ∈ R}, Where: R is a relation with n columns. x is a value representing the new column's name and i is the index value to the column to be renamed.
Relational Algebra (RA) Similar to RA operation Rename (ρ)
Type Atomic
Class Unary
Transformation_category 1:1
InputsNumber of input datasets
Input dataset, column to rename, new column name1
OutputsNumber of output datasets
Used in stage(s) Structuring1
