DW Handbook

This page shows the name of the construct, its description

Attribute Value
Name DayeOfWeek
Description None
Function None
Aim Allow a data engineer (user) to create a new column of attributes holding the value of day of the week using a date attribute
Context This is used when a user wants to add the day of week to the dataset to fulfil requirements of the analysis for which the combined datasets are to serve as input.
Rationale somecases requires filtering values or analysing the dataset based on the day of the week and thus needs the dataset to contain this value.
Mechanisim Append a new column to the dataset with values of day of the week based on the value in the date field using enactors E12 and E15 .
Formalisim wd(R, i) = α(R, DayOfWeek), φ(R, indexOf(DayOfWeek), f) = {(a1,…,an,DayOfWeek) | (a1,…,an) ϵ R} Where R is a relation with n column, i is the index value of the column with the date
Relational Algebra (RA) Similar to RA operation Attribute Extension (ε)/Generalized Projection
Type Composite
Class Unary
Transformation_category 1:1
InputsNumber of input datasets
OutputsNumber of output datasets
Used in stage(s) Enriching3
