DW Handbook

This page shows the name of the construct, its description

Attribute Value
Name Cell Manipulate
Description None
Function None
Aim Allow a data engineer (user) to assign new values to a column of attributes in the dataset
Context This is used when a user requires a new value to be assigned to a column of attributes using a function of other column(s) in the dataset either arithmetic, logical or a regular expression to fulfil requirements of the analysis for which the dataset is to serve as input.
Rationale assigning values to a column is used when the values are required to fulfil the requirements for subsequent operations or end-goal analysis the dataset is being prepared for.
Mechanisim Assign new values to a column of attributes based on a function applied to strings or numbers present in the dataset. This can be done by exploring the facilities found in GUI-based tools and programming language functions.
Formalisim φ(R, i, f)={(a1,...,ai-1,ai+1,...,an,f(ai)) | (a1,...,an) ∈ R}, Where: R is a relation with n columns. f is a function mapping values to values and i is the index to the columns the values would be assigned to.
Relational Algebra (RA) Similar to RA operation Attribute Extension (ε)/Generalized Projection
Type Atomic
Class Unary
Transformation_category 1:1
InputsNumber of input datasets
OutputsNumber of output datasets
Used in stage(s) Transform
